Ms. Coco
Founder, Art Director
Sunshine 舞蹈工作室创始人
美国芭蕾舞团 ABT 认证最高级别认证教师;并获得 ABT 杰出教师奖 ABT Affiliate Teacher Award
新加坡教育部MOE资格认证舞蹈教师;北京舞蹈学院民族舞考级教师资格认证;美国瑜伽协会瑜伽导师资格认证 Yoga Alliance authorized YIC200; OM Factory 空中瑜伽教师资质认证
2019美国 Edge Water Performing Arts 特聘芭蕾教师;2019美国 Columbia School 特聘舞蹈教师
2023 年中国驻纽约总领馆春晚特邀表演嘉宾;美国哥伦比亚大学舞韵 Showcase 邀请表演嘉宾;Jericho High School, Baylis Primary School 等多所学校特邀表演嘉宾;2019-2023 纽约世界舞蹈节邀请表演嘉宾;北京大学大纽约区校友会邀请表演嘉宾等
2017 & 2018 Miss Cosmo World 东南亚赛区总决赛评委、比赛形体顾问、舞蹈编导;2016 年 Miss Chinese 中华小姐新加坡赛区亚军兼最佳才艺获得者;2016年新加坡青年舞蹈大赛冠军
2023原创现代芭蕾【Dream On】获得美国国际舞蹈大赛 9-12岁中高级别组全场最高分 唯一冠军; 2022 原创古典芭蕾【森林小精灵】,改编剧目【花木兰】均获得星湃少儿舞蹈大赛芭蕾组别和中国舞组别唯一金奖等
Founder of Sunshine Dance NYC. Ms. Li received the highest-level instructor certification by American Ballet Theater (ABT), named as an ABT Outstanding Teacher and won the ABT Affiliate Teacher Award. At the age of nine, she was admitted to the prestigious Liaoning Ballet to train in classical ballet. Later, she graduated from Singapore's leading university Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) majoring Dance Performance, and MBA program from Singapore WBS Business School. As an educator and choreographer, Ms. Li was recognized as Qualified Dance Teacher by the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) and received National Teacher Qualification Certification from Beijing Dance Academy. Other awards include: 2016 Miss Chinese Singapore Division runner-up and best talent winner, 2016 Singapore Youth Dance Competition champion, among many others.
Ms Li's 2022-2023 NYC stage appearances include: 2023 Jericho High School New Year Festival, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, New York Dances Parade, Peking University Alumni Association Chinese New Year Gala, 2022 New York Fashion Week dance performance and modeling.
Ms Li’s film and television credits include SinoVision New York Lounge. Her choreography was also presented at KAR dance competition; Starbright Youth Talent Competition and many others. Other teaching experiences include US Columbia School, Edge Water Performing Arts and Ripley Grier Studios.