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Our Team.

Sunshine Instructor Team


Ms. Coco 


ABT NTC Certified Teacher


美国芭蕾舞团ABT认证最高级别认证教师;并获得ABT杰出教师奖ABT Affiliate Teacher Award;九岁考入著名的辽宁芭蕾舞团学习古典芭蕾舞,大学毕业于新加坡首屈一指的NAFA南洋艺术学院舞蹈表演专业;新加坡WBS商学院工商管理专业硕士.新加坡教育部MOE资格认证舞蹈教师;北京舞蹈学院民族舞考级教师资格认证;美国瑜伽协会瑜伽导师资格认证Yoga Alliance authorized YIC200;OM Factory空中瑜伽教师资质认证;2019美国Edge Water Performing Arts 特聘芭蕾教师;2019美国Columbia School 特聘舞蹈教师;

2023年中国驻纽约总领馆春晚特邀表演嘉宾;美国哥伦比亚大学舞韵Showcase邀请表演嘉宾;Jericho High School,Baylis Primary School等多所学校特邀表演嘉宾;2019-2023纽约世界舞蹈节邀请表演嘉宾;北京大学大纽约区校友会邀请表演嘉宾等.2018&2017年Miss Cosmo World东南亚赛区总决赛评委,比赛形体顾问,舞蹈编导.2016年Miss Chinese 中华小姐新加坡赛区亚军兼最佳才艺获得者. 2016年新加坡青年舞蹈大赛冠军;

​2023原创现代芭蕾【Dream On】获得美国国际舞蹈大赛9-12岁中高级别组全场最高分 唯一冠军; 2022 原创古典芭蕾【森林小精灵】,改编剧目【花木兰】均获得星湃少儿舞蹈大赛芭蕾组别和中国舞组别唯一金奖等.

Founder of Sunshine Dance NYC. Ms. Li received the highest-level instructor certification by American Ballet Theater (ABT), named as an ABT Outstanding Teacher and won the ABT Affiliate Teacher Award. 
At the age of nine, she was admitted to the prestigious Liaoning Ballet to train in classical ballet. Later, she graduated from Singapore's leading university Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) majoring Dance Performance, and MBA program from Singapore WBS Business School. As an educator and choreographer, Ms. Li was recognized as Qualified Dance Teacher by the Singapore Ministry
of Education (MOE) and received National Teacher Qualification Certification from Beijing Dance Academy. Other awards include: 2016 Miss Chinese Singapore Division runner-up and best talent winner, 2016 Singapore Youth Dance Competition champion, among many others. 

M’s. Li’s 2022-2023 NYC stage appearances include:
2023 Jericho High School New year festival, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, New York Dances Parade, Peking University Alumni Association Chinese New Year Gala, 2022 New York Fashion Week dance performance and modeling.

Ms. Li’s film and television credits include SinoVision New York Lounge.
Her choreography was also presented at KAR dance competition; Star Bright talent competition and many others. Other teaching experiences include US Columbia School, Edge Water Performing Arts and Ripley Grier Studios.

Ms. Kira

芭蕾舞 现代舞

ABT NTC Certified Teacher

Kira Ahas received her ballet training from multiple institutions across the U.S including the Kozlov Dance Academy, Irene Folkine, Manhattan Youth Ballet, and private training from Galina Gladkova and Marina Stavitskaya. Additionally, she participated in the YAGP in 2008 and was awarded a scholarship to the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School at American Ballet Theatre.

Kira attended Goucher College in 2014, Alongside school, she joined BalletMet 2 for a season, where she performed Rubies by George Balanchine and Art of War by Edwaard Liang. She then joined Alberta Ballet in Calgary, Alberta. After concluding her 6 season with the company, her most memorable shows include George Balanchine’s Allegro Brillante, Helen Pickett’s Petal, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s Botero, and Loughlan Prior’s Hansel & Gretel.


​Mr. Denny 

Ballet,Traditional Chinese Dance Teacher


Danny老师是一位拥有35年各类舞蹈经验以及超过25年丰富教学经验的专业舞蹈导师。Danny自幼便在上海市舞蹈学校接受专业芭蕾舞以及中国民族舞的专业训练。毕业后便加入上海东方青年舞团担任首席舞蹈员。 1996年,Danny获得香港演艺学院全额奖学金,赴港进修现代舞及当代舞。 在香港期间,曾多次应邀参加香港舞蹈团以及香港城市当代舞团的演出及制作。

1999年来美就读于纽约州立大学伯切斯艺术学院,攻读艺术硕士学位,主修编舞。 并于2002年加入皇家国际舞艺音乐学院担任导师、教务及艺术总监。自此已在美国工作超过了20年。

Mr. Danny Wei, a professional dance instructor with 35 years of experience in dance and over 25 years of teaching experience, started his professional dance training in Ballet and Chinese Dance at the Shanghai Dancing School. Upon graduating from the school, he jointed the Shanghai Oriental Youth Dance Company as a principal dancer. In 1996 Mr. Wei received a full scholarship from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts and started his training in Modern and Contemporary Dance. During his time in Hong Kong, Danny also participated in numerous performances and productions in the Hong Kong Dance Company and the HK City Contemporary Dance Company. 
In 1999, Mr. Wei came to America and received his Master in Fine Arts degree at the SUNY Purchase College majored in choreography. In 2002, Mr. Wei jointed the Regal Fine Arts and the Art Plaza Dance Studio as artistic director and instructor and has continuously served the Brooklyn community for 20 years.

Ms. Jenny

Hip-hop ,Jazz,K-pop Teacher
Jenny is a dancer, choreographer, model and artist,now based in New York City. Jenny started her dance training at Broadway Dance Center, New York City. After one year, she went to Texas Woman’s University, majoring in Dance. During her time in TWU, she performed with the International Dance Company, TWU, at American College Dance Association (ACDA), and her choreography, All the Stars, went to Denton Arts & Jazz Festival. In 2019, Ning graduated from TWU with a B.A. in Dance and started to work as a professional dancer and dance instructor. The Company she worked with in Dallas, Texas including Team Athena, and Transcend Motion Contemporary Dance Company. In 2021, Ning went back to NYC to keep fulfilling her goal to be a dance artist.



Guest Classical Chinese Dance Teacher

周丽君本科毕业于北京舞蹈学院古典舞系, 之后在首都师范大学的编导系拿到了她的硕士学位。 毕业后的她还是国家公派艺术家项目, 至纽约学习戏剧舞蹈剧场和现代舞编创, 还获得美国舞蹈节ADF领导力奖学金, 并在杜克大学深造学习。


她的表演作品多次得到 国家级舞蹈最高奖项, 代表作品有《彩云追月》《春江花月夜》《尤物》等, 代表舞剧有《长恨歌》《黎族家园》《花语者》等, 周丽君还多次在全球春晚, 国家大剧院APEC,北京春晚, 湖南,河南卫视春晚 等大型舞台表演中 担任领舞,独舞与双人舞


Ms. Zhao

芭蕾舞 古典舞老师
Ballet Dance and Classical Chinese Dance Teacher



获得中国舞蹈家协会舞蹈考级教师资质。国际桃李杯金奖获得者。 曾受邀参加纽约世界舞蹈节,担任表演嘉宾。教学风格亲切,注重基本功培训,深受学生喜爱。

Ms. Shuangshuang Ballet dance instructor in New York, specialising in ballet, classical dance, and children's folk dance. Having studied dance since childhood, she currently pursues further education in ballet and modern dance in New York at the Sunshine Dance Studio. Holds the Dance Grading Teacher qualification from the China Dancers Association and is an International Peach and Plum Cup Gold Award recipient. Invited to participate as a guest performer at the New York World Dance Festival. Known for a warm teaching style, she emphasises fundamental training and is well-loved by her students.

Ms. He

ABT NTC Certified Teacher

Ms.He started her initial training in China, at the Shenyang Conservatory of Music. She then joined the trainee program at the Joffrey Ballet School. She received additional training at the Juilliard School, Bolshoi Ballet Academy, and the English National Ballet School and joined the Nashville Ballet in 2017 as an apprentice, and was then promoted to a company member in 2018. She has performed in numerous full-length ballets, and debuted several roles by commissioned choreographers. While dancing professionally, she was also a faculty member at the Nashville Ballet Academy. Ms. He received her ABT National Training Curriculum certification for Pre-Primary—Level 3 and has taught at multiple institutions in NYC. Ms. He is currently pursuing a B.F.A degree at the Montclair State University and is now teaching at multiple institutions in New York and New Jersey. 


Ms. Wang

芭蕾舞 古典舞老师

Ballet Dance and Classical Chinese Dance Teacher




所获荣誉:第十届全国舞蹈大赛 金奖;中国“桃李杯”舞蹈比赛中国古典舞青年A组优秀表演奖; 中央文化部文华艺术院校奖、cctv舞蹈大赛 三等奖、全国舞蹈大赛群舞《背靠背》优秀表演奖、群舞《绣春》优秀表演奖、群舞《茶倌》银奖、群舞《仆拉》双人舞《海盗》片段获得铜奖,并参加美国BAM剧院和肯尼迪艺术中心等多国艺术节。

Ms Wang , a nationally recognized third-level performer, holds a Bachelor's degree in Classical Chinese Dance from the Sichuan Dance Academy and a Master's degree in Arts from the New York Institute of Visual Arts. Proficient in classical Chinese dance and ballet, she excels in foundational training, choreography, and poise. Wang has garnered accolades such as the Gold Prize in the 10th National Dance Competition, Outstanding Performance Award in the "Taoli Cup" Chinese Dance Competition, and awards in various national competitions. She has showcased her talent at international festivals, including performances at the BAM Theater and Kennedy Arts Center in the United States.


Ms. Sun

芭蕾舞 古典舞老师
Ballet Dance and Classical Chinese Dance Teacher


Ms. Sun, full time dance instructor in Sunshine Dance Studio, Department of Dance Choreography of Communication University. Rich work experience in professional dance.Mulan Gold Award, the first prize for Dai dance, the director of the American International Dance Competition,She also participated in nearly 100 foreign exchange performances and participated in more than ten CCTV Spring Festival Galas. She is a dance teacher with a rich stage and teaching experience.

Mr.  Shen

芭蕾舞 古典舞老师
Ballet Dance and Classical Chinese Dance Teacher

Keith Shen, a choreographer, dance teacher, dancer and the President of QM Dance School, who specializes in Chinese dance, Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Ballroom dance. He participated in performance arts festivals collaborated with the Shanghai Normal University Dance Company. Traveling performances through Finland, Germany, Chile, Peru and the United States. He won the several prizes, including the “East China Dance Competition”, “Shanghai Spring Dance Competition”. Director of tap dance “Army of Rhythm” by the “Shanghai Group Dance Competition” Silver Award. He started working as a dance teacher at the age of eighteen. His students are in the 4 to 70 age range.


Ms. Xu

芭蕾舞 中国舞老师
Ballet Dance and Classical Chinese Dance Teacher

徐老师 毕业于NYU舞蹈教育硕士,UCLA舞蹈专业辅修艺术教育,参演过多名国际知名编舞演出包括Faye Driscoll,Kyle Abraham,Marianna Virviani, Douglass Dunn…合作。参与多部音乐剧,MV,舞剧,舞蹈影像的制作与表演并被展演于LA RED CAT剧院San Diego children’s film festival ,曾被洛杉矶邮报报告。曾在洛杉矶多家文化中心,舞蹈中心担任主教老师带领学生参加主要舞蹈比赛包括kar,showstopper ,实习于中美多个舞团包括martha graham,LA dance project,LDTX。持PBT教师资格证,北舞中国舞教师资格证,Simonson technique认证教师, ABT芭蕾舞考级师资认证。

Ms. Xu graduated with a Master's in Dance Education from NYU and majored in Dance with minor in Art Education at UCLA. She has performed in shows by several internationally renowned choreographers including Faye Driscoll, Kyle Abraham, Marianna Virviani, and Douglass Dunn. Tanya has participated in the production and performance of multiple musicals, music videos, dance dramas, and dance films, which have been showcased at the LA RED CAT Theater and the San Diego Children's Film Festival, and have been featured in the Los Angeles Post. She has served as a lead teacher at various cultural and dance centers in Los Angeles, guiding students in major dance competitions such as KAR and Showstopper. Tanya has interned with several dance companies in both China and the US, including the Martha Graham Dance Company, LA Dance Project, and LDTX. She holds certifications as a PBT instructor, a Chinese dance instructor from Beijing Dance Academy, and as a Simonson Technique certified teacher.

Ms. Dandan

芭蕾舞 中国舞老师
Ballet Dance and Classical Chinese Dance Teacher

2020年《荷花杯》舞剧一等奖 ;在舞剧《努力餐》担任重要角色
2015年  中央电视台cctv舞蹈大赛一等奖:在剧目《百花争艳》担任重要角色

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